Rubber Hose

Our rubber hoses are made from synthetic materials, offering the durability of natural rubber without the downsides.

Rubber Air Hose

clear polyurethane tubingRAH Series

For Construction and General Workshop Use

Rubber Air Hose is a black, weather and ozone-resistant compressed rubber air hose suitable for general workshop use and compressors. Manufactured from NBR / SBR synthetic rubber with high tensile synthetic textile reinforcement.

Medium-duty service for air and pneumatic tools including workshops with compressors, mines, quarries and construction.

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clear polyurethane tubingRubber Water Hose

RWH Series

For Industrial and Watering Applications

Rubber Water Hose is a heat, ozone and weather-resistant EPDM rubber water hose, ideal for conveying both hot and cold water in a variety of applications.

Ideal for use where engine cooling with closed cooling systems is required. Also capable of withstanding hot oil spray where this applies.

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Durable rubber hoses without the downsides.

Our rubber hoses are made from synthetic materials, matching the durability of natural rubber without the drawbacks.

In recent years, many industries, our own included, made the move from natural rubber to synthetic. But what are the different types of synthetics and are they able to hold up against natural rubber hoses?

The benefits of synthetic rubber:
Same high flexibility as natural rubber.
 Higher temperature resistance than natural rubber.
 More chemical resistant than natural rubber.

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About Copely

Copely has been a manufacturer of hoses, tubes, and profiles for over 50 years. Our rubber hoses are additions to both our industrial and air range of products. Our products are a reflection of our technical ability, as we meticulously work to create solutions for an extensive range of applications.

Copely is a polyurethane hose manufacturer that makes and manufactures right here in Britain. Not only are we able to guarantee quality products, but we’re also able to have a closer relationship with our customers, enabling us to provide stock and bespoke options within short lead times, whilst also providing full customer support and technical advice.

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